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Since 1953, we have consistently provided the best quality products to our customers.

Our pharmaceutical business started in 1953 with the development of Asiazit to cure tuberculosis patients in Korea.

High-Quality Products

With our promise to our customers to provide high-quality products as our top priority, we produce over 190 drugs including our top sellers Uro-vaxom as well as drugs for hypertension, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory analgesics. Our Pyeongtaek factory which is recognized for its production of high-quality products both domestically and abroad, manufacture not only parenteral injectables but other quality products with the same manufacturing and quality control principles used initially to produce our parenteral injectables.
  • 1953

    The first domestic antituberculosis drug, Asiazit, begins production

  • 190

    Over 190 high-quality products in production

Giving Back

Aju Pharm has been donating medications annually to help domestic and international patients who cannot receive sufficient medical care. These medications have been used to treat patients in countries with poor living conditions.