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We strive to improve the lives of patients by providing healthcare professionals with high-quality medical device products.

AJU medical, the medical device business department of AJUpharm, provides high-quality anchors reflecting the needs of its customers.
With its products, AJU medical pledges it’s commitment to help patients live a better life.
Through active collaborations with medical institutions, medical practitioners, and the academia, we strive to create innovative products that will satisfy the needs of our customers by combining our competence in the medical fields with our medical expertise.

Logo of the Medical Device Business

The heart-shaped logo represented by a blue colored vein and a red colored artery symbolizes the healthy heart- the source of vitality and love of
AJU Pharmaceutical Corporation. By using the dark blue color representing AJU Pharm with sky blue, the logo represents the commitment AJU pharm has made
for 70years which AJU medical will carry on together with its specialty in the medical device industry.